Shining a light for over 60 years


Our community at the Park Ecovillage is both a spiritual centre aimed at raising planetary consciousness for the higher good, and an ecovillage that has pioneered a range of new technologies, from eco building methods to regenerative energy and water treatment.

In the six decades since it was formed in 1962, it has attracted a range of global change agents including Caroline Myss, Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle, Satish Kumar, Paul Hawken and Andrew Harvey, as well as thousands more who have taken the spirit of Findhorn out into the world for planetary change.

It has been formally associated with the United Nations since 1992, being designated a UN-Habitat Best Practice as a model for holistic and sustainable living in 1998 and again in 2018. The community features in the UN database as a synthesis of some of the very best of current thinking on sustainable human settlements.



The community’s four founders, Peter and Eileen Caddy, Dorothy Maclean and Lena Lamont, arrived at Findhorn in 1962, expecting to spend just a few months here in caravans. They didn’t intend to found an intentional community; rather, the community found them.

Read more about their early guidance, and intuition, communicating with nature spirits, 40-pound cabbages and a lot of compost!

It's quite a story
Original garden gates Geoff Dalglish


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The community doesn’t follow a specific religion or dogma – we honour and embrace all paths to spiritual growth. We are however united around three spiritual practices we try to embody every day: Inner Listening, Co-Creation with the Intelligence of Nature, and Work as Love in Action.
We are socially governed by our Common Ground, a set of 14 agreements for harmony and respect.

See more



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There are over 150 people in 30 countries around the world who are global community members, all having a long history with the community and available to answer any questions.

Find the Findhorn Foundation Resource Person in your country!

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