The Angel for October is INTEGRITY

Integrity with copyright

Stand up for what you believe in. Act in congruence with your values and follow through on your commitments.

Much of what we have learned about life was outside-in from our parents, schools, and cultures. They informed our beliefs and assigned meaning to our actions, often not in alignment with who we were inside. It set us up to constantly look outside ourselves for whatever we felt might be missing, causing us to mis-take and mis-place our power.

We hear a lot about paradigm shifts, which is simply changing our world views. We create the reality we think exists by the way we connect together our beliefs, values, and preceptions. Our filters do not allow us to see what we do not believe exists, which basically includes everything outside of our 'box'.

We need to adopt a new world view which is (w)holistic; one world, one body that includes all life on the planet and the planet itself. What I do affects the whole, what you do affects the whole, not just the one or me (me-listic) or the few-listic; family, friends, community.

So changing our world view is a paradigm shift; from me-listic and few-listic to wholistic. Think in terms of our world as circular – what goes around comes around – rather than linear, straight lining, never to return to me.

The rise of people awakening to a sense of purposefulness and meaning that guides their life is accelerating. We need to encourage this, support this, and demonstate this through our actions.

Culitvating our interconnectedness and awareness of the subtle forces that pass between us gives us new capabilities and allows solutions to arise that have not yet been recognised.

Together let us hold Integrity as our aligning Angel for the month of October and build a world that reflects our highest values and deepest inner desires.

We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.

May your heart, mind, and actions be one with integrity.


Kathy Tyler

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Faith for September, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Integrity into your life for the month of October.

Join the Angel of the Month meditation with Kathy on 1 October at 6pm UK time. 

With thanks to Innerlinks, creators of the The Transformation Game®, Intuitive Solutions® and the world famous original Angel® Cards.

©1981-2024 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.

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