The Sanctuary emerges

Sanctuary foundations

Sanct logs walkThe new, community-owned sanctuary is beginning to take shape – the foundations and lower wall of the Light of Findhorn Sanctuary are now in place!

Our original Sanctuary, built in 1968, was lost to fire in April 2021 along with our community centre, so it's a real joy to see its larger, more eco-friendly replacement emerging in the space.

If you've visited The Park before, you'll see that it's being built on the same site as the earlier Sanctuary, next to the Original Caravan and Garden where our founders first settled in November 1962. 

Parts of the Original Garden, as well as the sites of the former Park Campus and General Office buildings, have been used to allow for a larger construction.

Right now the floor is being prepared for insulation and floor boards, while logs that will make up the main frame and roof beams have been moved to the Conservation Hub, where volunteers will do a final clean.

Sanct build floorAt the end of June, master woodworker Henry Fosbrooke – who designed the Conservation Hub and built the Outdoor Learning Space in the Green Burial Ground – will prepare all the joints. The wood will then be moved onto the site, where Greenleaf Design and Build, led by Jason Caddy, grandson of two of our founders, will start erecting the structure in early July.

Then there'll be timber cladding for the walls, with planks milled from trees that came down in the local woods during a storm. It's good to know that two of the trees that had to be taken down after the fire for safety, will be returning to become roof beams for the new Sanctuary.  

If you'd like more information on the Light of Findhorn Sanctuary, please visit Park Ecovillage Trust, which is responsible for the financing, building and maintenance of this special building. 

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