Update on the Community Buy-Out: 1 June 2024

This exciting step comes after a long process of community engagement and friendly negotiations between the Foundation and the EF, culminating in an offer from the Foundation to sell the bulk of The Park to the community for £1.15 million, divided into three phases.

This includes many of the iconic buildings visitors know and love – from the Universal Hall and the Nature Sanctuary to the Phoenix Shop building. The deal also covers the responsibility to locate and build the new Community Centre, a key community priority.

Also in the offer, explained Rupert Davis, executive vice chair of EF, is what is called a pre-emption right over Cullerne Gardens, to ensure that it is not sold to a private developer.

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The recent milestone relates to the first phase of the buy-out. 'The community has progressed to making a full contingent offer on the Village Green and the Phoenix land and area, which includes well-loved guest accommodation such as the Guest Lodge, and the Youth Project building built collectively in the 90s,' said Rupert.

'We see this area as a wonderful place to fill the heart of our community with guests, and beautification energy, and to regenerate once again our culture of spiritual practice and service through love-in-action.' 

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The Findhorn Foundation Trust has also offered options to buy two other parcels of land in a process that continues into next year, should the community vote to go ahead. Phase 2 includes areas such as the Universal Hall, the Biomass Boiler for heating, the Living Machine, which processes waste water from many of The Park's households, as well as other basic infrastructure services. Phase 3 includes parts of Pineridge, a residential area in the north-east of The Park.

'Pineridge provides much opportunity to preserve wild and quiet gardens and inner and nature listening,' said Rupert, 'as well as to develop suitable youth affordable eco-innovative housing, so we can regenerate and bring through the next generations, as well as care for our elders. The community has until 31 March 2025 to decide to buy Pineridge, having taken up what is called an “option” on this area.'

This buy-out is a significant moment in the community's 60-year history – it demands community spirit, collaboration, communication and support, which is why we're calling it a buy-in! It gives us the opportunity to face a challenge together, strengthening the community by uniting us in a common project to ensure our survival as a intentional, spiritual community.

'As you can imagine there is both huge excitement and some trepidation in the community about taking over the bulk of The Park from the Findhorn Foundation; holding and sourcing the spiritual vision for the
community on a deeper level; and managing it day to day ourselves!' added Rupert.

For background: Our ecovillage exists on land that's largely owned by the Findhorn Foundation, a Trust that has operated here at The Park since 1972 (the founders and early community began here in 1962). The Trust is currently winding down its activities and selling much of its property, while a new, much smaller body –  the Findhorn Foundation SCIO – is emerging specifically to provide educational experiences on a broader geographic basis.

The Ecovillage Findhorn Benefit Society was created by Michael Shaw, John Talbot and Maria Cooper, to facilitate the buying of the Foundation land. Building on their sterling love in action, a community election was held on 9 November 2023, to elect a new Board to lead the community buy-out. There was deep community engagement, with 140 nominations for the Board and over 250 people between the Universal Hall and Zoom for the actual vote.

Since then much love-in-action has been put in to develop the community towards our buy-out. This has especially included collaborative and friendly negotiations between FF (Terry Gilbey, CEO and Mark Anderson, Chair of Trustees) and EF (Mari Hollander, Chair, and Rupert Davis, Executive Vice Chair) on behalf of the community. 

If you'd like more information on the buy-in or would like to support it financially, please visit www.ecovillagefindhorn.uk.