Our Findhorn Fellows

Please meet our Findhorn Fellows, people we love, honour and appreciate for the transformative work they do in the world. They all have strong connections with the Park Ecovillage community, here in Findhorn, and there’s a strong resonance between their work and ours.

Some Emeritus Fellows have retired from their fields, and some have passed on, but we continue to honour them here for the immense richness they’ve added to our community.

Above: Some of the Findhorn Fellows celebrating the community's 50th Birthday


Patch Adams, American doctor, humourist, founder of the Gesundheit Institute in Arlington, Virginia, USA. 

Shoshanna Tembeck Alexander, former community member who wrote the original Findhorn Garden book and now lives with her son in Ashland, Oregon.

Robin Alfred, former Foundation Trustee, Executive Coach, Trainer and Consultant with Findhorn Consultancy who travels the world from his home at Findhorn.

Paul Allen, climate change activist and former CEO of Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales.

Kenny Ausubel & Nina Simons,  Co-Founders of ‘Bioneers’ in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Jan Bang, author and permaculturalist in Norway, Chair of ICSA (International Communal Studies Assoc) from 2010-13.

Richard Barrett, author, lecturer, consultant, Values Coordinator and founder of the Spiritual Unfoldment Society at the World Bank in Washington, D.C, resident in North Carolina, USA.

Albert Bates, visionary lawyer, permaculturalist, and eco-village practitioner at The Farm in Summertown, Tennessee, USA.

Roger Benson, former community co-focaliser, currently a political activist and organisational change consultant in Stockholm, partner of Maria Trap.

Paul Bernstein, researcher, writer & activist in two pathways: (1) extending formal science to include realities of transcendental experience;  (2) uncovering and applying humane & democratic forms of politics. Periodic visitor at Findhorn since 1976. Resides near Boston, USA.

Lance Blaauw, youth worker assisting transformation in South Africa and Norway with young people’s rites of passage.

Annie Blampied, Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Counsellor & Celebrant, Chair of Emerson College Board in Forest Row, England .  Co-founder of the Moray Steiner School.

William Bloom, writer and lecturer on spiritual and economic themes, partner of Sabrina Dearborn, who live in Glastonbury.

Joss Brooks, Australian born conservationist, eco educator and activist in Auroville, India.


Renata Caddy, artist and founder/director with Peter Caddy (deceased) of her own centre in Daisendorf, Germany.

Ana Rhodes Castro, former CEO of Findhorn Foundation, currently an international practitioner of Process Oriented Psychology from her home base in Madrid, Spain.

Giles Chitty, former Findhorn community member and chairman of the Findhorn Foundation trustees. Formerly a partner in Barchester Green Investments, Salisbury, UK.

John Clausen & Frances Edwards, former community members now living in Connecticut where they jointly serve as our links to the NGO community around the United Nations in New York City and where John runs his own Hygeiea Foundation. 

Katherine & Roger Collis, educators, former residents of the Findhorn community, co-founders and directors of the Lorian Association and currently of their own Pacifica Foundation in Santa Barbara, USA.

Gigi Coyle, Community activist focused on the spirit, nature and practice of Council, Rites of Passage, pilgrimage through Beyond Boundaries, The Ojai Foundation, School of Lost Borders, Youth Passageways, Weaving Earth/ Walking-Water: inter-generational, cross-cultural pathways, based in Ojai, California.

Roberto Crema, anthropologist and transpersonal psychologist in Brazil.

Guy Dauncey, writer, lecturer and consultant on economic, social, spiritual and green issues in Vancouver.

Fiona Davidson, Celtic harpist, storyteller, priestess and bard in Kippen, near Glasgow. After taking vows as a Céile Dé Order member, her ordination name became Fionntulach, which means Little Hill of Illumination.

Gordon Davidson, author, lecturer and consultant, former resident of the Findhorn community, co-founder of the Sirius Community in Massachusetts and the Center for Visionary Leadership in Washington, D.C., currently living in Florida, USA.

Jonathan Dawson, UN Consultant and lecturer on ‘the economics of transition’ at Schumacher College, Totnes, Devon.

Sabrina Dearborn, former Findhorn Foundation Focaliser, now mother and teacher, partner of William Bloom, who live in Glastonbury.

Drew Dellinger, PhD, internationally known speaker, writer, poet, teacher and ‘cosmological activist’ who has lectured and taught extensively across the US, UK, Canada and Australia.

Elinore Detiger, long-time friend and supporter of the community who maintains residences both on Iona and in her own centre in Costa Rica.

Paul Dickinson, former Foundation Trustee, founder in 2000 of the Carbon Disclosure Project in response to climate change, co-host of the ‘Outrage & Optimism’ podcasts on the ongoing climate challenge.

Janice Dolley, author, speaker, educator, former trustee of the Foundation and trustee of Findhorn College.

Joy Drake, former member of the Findhorn Foundation from 1973 to 1986, originator of the Game of Transformation and author of “Soul Infusions”. Joy continues to partner with the subtle worlds and explore innovative ways of serving the emerging evolutionary impulse. She currently lives at Findhorn where she facilitates workshops and offers individual sessions that support spiritual and personal development.


Achim Ecker & Ina Meyer-Stoll, formative forces in the Zegg Community in Germany.

Frances Edwards and John Clausen, former community members now living in Connecticut where they jointly serve as our links to the NGO community around the United Nations in New York City and where John runs his own Hygeiea Foundation. 

Charles Eisenstein, philosopher, speaker, and author of The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economic, and Climate: A New Story

Cathy Evans directs the John Rivers Communications Museum in Charleston, South Carolina where she designs public education programs on social and political topics with a global emphasis. She is also a visionary artist. Cathy and her husband, writer and teacher, Lee Irwin (also a Fellow), live as quietly as possible with their four beautiful cats on nearby Johns Island.

Dennis Evenson, former Foundation member, poet and scholar who lives in Boulder, Colorado.

Alan Watson Featherstone, former Foundation Trustee and founder/director of the Trees For Life charity for 30 years where he superintended the planting of more than a million trees.  He recently left Trees For Life to pursue his love of trees in other projects. Founder/Director of ‘Restore the Earth’ project from 2000-2003.

Cornelia Featherstone, long-term resident of the Findhorn Community. Trained as a medical doctor (MD) she supported facilities for ‘holistic healing’ and complementary medicine here. During her time on the Park Ecovillage Trust (PET) board, she launched the ‘affordable housing’ and ‘caring community circle’ projects. She currently volunteers for the community history project called Celebrating One Incredible Family (COIF).

Lionel Fifield, chartered accountant, lecturer and founder of the Relaxation Centre, a leading personal

growth centre in Brisbane, Australia.

Lynne Franks, founder and retired director of her own public relations company in London, currently living in Los Angeles.


R.A. Gilbert, antiquarian bookseller, lecturer, author of books on freemasonry, mysticism and related esoteric subjects who also edits the Masonic journal Ars Quator Coronatorum from his home in Bristol.

Robert Gilman, co-founder of Context Institute and its journal In Context, co-founder of the Global Ecovillage Network, co-founder of the New Findhorn Association, founder and steward of the worldwide Bright Future Network, author and speaker, based on Whidbey Island, Washington State, USA.

Herbert Girardet, co-founder of the World Future Council, writer of 10 books and producer of 50 TV documentaries on sustainability themes, recipient of UN Global 500 Award “for outstanding environmental achievements”.  Former chairman of the Schumacher Society, UK; member of the Club of Rome.

George Goudsmit, Findhorn community resident and CEO of a solar energy company called Appropriate Energy Systems (AES) in Forres, Scotland.

Samantha Graham & John Talbott, former members recently returned from Australia where they worked as sustainability consultants and John helped create a new Ecovillage project called Narara. John and Sam returned to Findhorn in 2021 to help resurrect the sanctuary and community center destroyed by fire. Sam is also Project Manager of the Park Ecovillage Trust’s Carbon Neutral 2030 initiative, and recently produced two shows at the Edinburgh Festival.

Daniel Greenberg, Co-Director of the Foundation for Intentional Community (ic.org) and former Director of Education at the Findhorn Foundation, President of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), and Founding Director of Living Routes – Study Abroad in Ecovillages.

Wolf-Dieter Grossmann, systems scientist and head of the Department of Applied Landscape Ecology at the Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig.

Marilyn Hamilton, evolutionist, futurist, PRAQtivist, author and independent researcher of cities as ‘human hives’ and Gaia’s reflective organs.  She is co-founder of Living Cities.Earth and founder of Integral City Meshworks and is resident of Findhorn where she is Director of Findhorn Innovation Research Education.

Eirwen Harbottle, co-founder with her husband Michael Harbottle (deceased) and director of the Centre for International Peacebuilding, founder member of the Council of Wise Women in UK, member of the World Conference on Religion and Peace.

Peter Harper, coordinator, lecturer and writer with the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales.

Rue Hass, lecturer, writer, Lorian Association Faculty. Author of four books on meridian therapy and spirituality, now living with her husband Timothy in Boulder, Colorado. 

Timothy Hass, former community member, specialist and consultant in the field of community mental health, also in Boulder, Colorado.

Amanda Haworth, Founder and Director of Carbon Disclosure Project( CDP), Nordic office and director of Park Ecovillage Trust (PET) where she collaborates with husband Goran Wiklund and Roger Doudna (Fellows co-ordinator).

Alan Heeks, expert on sustainable living: founder of three successful green education/housing projects with a Findhorn inspiration, author of The Natural Advantage, co-founder of the Men Beyond 50 Network.  He is leading the Facing the 2020s project: researching the pressures of the next decade, and resilient responses at the personal and community levels. 

Carolyn Herriot, gardener and author of several books on organic gardening in Vancouver, Canada.

Stuart Hill, Emeritus Chair of Social Ecology, Western Sydney University, Australia.

Robert Holden, author and teacher on the interface between psychology and spirituality in London & Findhorn.

Mari Hollander, long-time resident of the community where she has had leadership roles in our Steiner School, the Findhorn Foundation, and currently the Findhorn Wind Park and the Ecovillage Findhorn Community Benefit Society.

Liza Hollingshead, founder/director of Ecologia for 25 years, supporting disadvantaged children in Russia, Kenya, Uganda, Myanmar, Thailand and Scotland.

Rob Hopkins, pioneer of the Transition Towns movement from his home in Totnes, Devon.

Liz Hoskins, co-founder (with Edward Posey) of the Gaia Foundation in London.

James Hubbell, sculptor, stained-glass artist, poet, imaginative builder in California who draws his inspiration from nature.  Founder of the Ilan Lael Foundation which promotes the arts in the San Diego area.

Fritz & Vivienne Hull, formerly of the Christian ministry and co-founders of the Chinook Learning Community and the Institute for Earth and Spirit on Whidbey Island, Washington State, USA.


Mary Inglis, former Foundation Trustee, whose InnerLinks office at Findhorn coordinates and runs Transformation Game trainings and programmes in many countries as well as here. She also works internationally with programmes and trainings in process facilitation, co-creation, manifestation and leadership.  

Lee Irwin is a writer and professor of comparative religion in Charleston, South Carolina where he and his artist and teacher wife Cathy Evans (also a Fellow) live as quietly as possible with their four beautiful cats on nearby Johns Island. 

Ross Jackson is a co-founder of the Gaia Trust in Denmark. He initiated the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) at the 'Ecovillages & Sustainable Communities' Conference at Findhorn in 1995 and funded it for its first eight years.  He continues to support it actively.

Kosha Joubert, former Executive Director of the Global Ecovillage Network, currently CEO of The Pocket Project that works with Thomas Hübl to address and relieve trauma, both individual and collective.

Tony Judge, writer, and former editor of the Yearbook of International Organizations and the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential in Brussels.

Will Keepin, philosopher, scientist, astrologer, writer, teacher and head of the Satyana Institute in the USA.

Declan Kennedy, co-founder of Lebensgarten EcoVillage in Germany, inspired in part by Findhorn.  Declan has served as President of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN). 

Clive Kitson, educator who served as head of Findhorn Foundation Education, chair of Findhorn College and Trustee of Findhorn Foundation for 12 years. Clive also restores castle gardens in Scotland and England.

Satish Kumar, former Jain monk in India and current householder in Devon where he has established an independent village school, has edited Resurgence magazine, and consults with Schumacher College at Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, UK.

Christopher Layton, Honorary Director General of the European Economic Community, co-founder of the Grimstone Community in Devon, UK.

Sabine Lichtenfels, co-founder of the Tamera Community in Portugal. Peace Ambassador, author, theologian, Head of the Global Love School and of Spiritual Research in Tamera. 

Michael Lindfield, former resident and trustee of Findhorn. Currently serving as Board President at Meditation Mount, Ojai, co-founder of the Science of Group Work Initiative and a member of the Community of Living Ethics in Umbria. Formerly a senior OD consultant with the Boeing Company.

Max Lindegger, head of Ecological Solutions - Consultancy & Education Services in Crystal Waters, Australia from where he volunteers periodically in Cambodia

Peter Lloyd, Interfaith Minister and psychotherapist, former member who now lives in Auroville, India. 


Caroline MacDougall, former member, now an entrepreneur in Santa Barbara, California, USA.

Alastair MacIntosh, Scottish human ecologist and writer on land reform, climate change, community, cultural trauma and their spiritual underpinnings. Books include Soil and Soul and Poacher’s Pilgrimage. Honorary professor, School of Education, University of Glasgow.

Donnie Maclurcan, writer, speaker, innovator for a ‘post growth economy’ in Ashland, Oregon, USA.

Joanna Macy, international educator and Buddhist scholar, author and activist who focuses on the interface between spiritual breakthrough and social/environmental action.

Clare Cooper Marcus, retired professor of architecture at UC Berkeley, now actively promoting healing gardens in hospitals.

John Marks, lecturer, broadcaster on conflict resolution, director of Search for Common Ground in

Washington, D.C.

Angus Marland, former resident of Findhorn, had a career in ecological design and construction of wetland restoration systems. Currently running a B&B with his wife Elisabeth on the northwest coast of Scotland.

Vance Martin, ecologist, writer, coordinator of the ‘World Wilderness Congress’ at Findhorn in l983 and

in Colorado in l987, and current head of the Wilderness Leadership Foundation in Colorado.

Milenko & Kathi Matanovic, writers, consultants, storytellers, troubadours, co-founders of Findhorn

arts programme, coordinators of the ETA Project for ‘education, transformation and the arts’, and

current coordinators of their own Pomegranate Foundation in Issaquah, Washington, USA.

John & Caitlin Matthews, lecturers, therapists and writers on Celtic, Grail and shamanic themes in Oxford.

Judy McAllister, former Focaliser and Trustee of Findhorn Foundation, and former co-focaliser of Education at the Foundation, now Transformation Game Guide and trainer. 

Robert McDermott, philosopher, retired lecturer (especially on Rudolf Steiner), at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. 

Nadia McLaren, consultant, colleague of Tony Judge at the Union of International Associations in Brussels, now living in Adelaide, Australia.

Miranda McPherson, psychotherapist, teacher and founder of the Interfaith Seminary in London, now living in Mill Valley California, USA.

Graham Meltzer, architect, photographer, writer, philosopher, and resident of the community where he has co-created major construction projects and landmark conferences. Before coming to Findhorn, he did his doctoral research in Australia on co-housing and environmentalism.  

William Metcalf, professor of Environmental Studies at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, and

noted authority on alternative lifestyles/communities.

Aubrey Meyer, violinist, Director of the Global Commons Institute in London and instigator/purveyor of the ‘Contraction & Convergence’ model for responding to global climate change.

Ina Meyer-Stoll & Achim Ecker, formative forces in the Zegg Community in Germany.

Dmitiri Morosov, founder and director of Kitezh Community in Kaluga, Russia.

Marti Mueller, American long-time resident and representative of Auroville, India, international board member of GEN (Global Ecovillage Network), now based in Paris.

Carolyn Myss, journalist, theologian, lecturer, award-winning author, medical clairvoyant in Chicago, Illinois.


Helena Norberg-Hodge, lecturer and economist known for her ecological work in Ladakh, north India, founder & director of the International Society for Ecology & Culture (ISEC), currently living in Byron Bay, Australia.

Kerstin Nordin, lawyer and creator of the New Thinkers Association in Stockholm.

Geoff Oelsner, psychologist, writer and musician in Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.

Richard Olivier, actor and founder/director of Mythodrama Institute in London.

Ousame Aly Pame, educator, eco-activist and politician who currently serves as President of GEN Africa where he promotes national ecovillage networks throughout the continent.

Belden & Lisa Paulson, co-founders and directors of the High Wind Association in Wisconsin, where Belden also worked in the Political Science Department at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

Terrance Plowright, member of the Foundation in the mid-70's. Upon his return to Australia, he established the Awareness Centre in Sydney and later the Homeland Foundation in New South Wales. He has since become a renowned artist and sculptor, a recipient of two Medici Medals and an ‘Order of Australia’ for his contribution to the arts. He lives in the Blue Mountains near Sydney, with his wife Shirley.

Jonathon Porritt, co-founder of the Green Party in Britain and currently a director of Forum for the Future in Cheltenham, UK.

Ed Posey, former Foundation Trustee and founder with Liz Hoskins of the Gaia Trust in London.

Russ Purvis, founder and manager of Kakwa Ecovillage in British Columbia, Canada.

Linda Reimer, former resident of Findhorn, co-founder and director of the Sirius Community in Massachusetts, USA.

Dolores Richter, German resident and leading light of the Zegg Community near Berlin where she leads workshops on love relationships, sexuality, community building and Zegg’s distinctive Forum group work.

Nancy Roof, PhD. transpersonal psychology; founder Kosmos Journal: Transformation in Harmony with All Life; Co-Founder Spiritual and Values Caucuses at United Nations.

Peter Russell, philosopher, lecturer, writer and organisational consultant in London and California.


Elisabet Sahtouris, American/Greek biological philosopher, educator, writer and lecturer in Hawaii.

Abdul Aziz Said, Syrian-born citizen diplomat and professor of International Relations at the American

University in Washington, D.C. where he focuses on world politics and the Middle East.

Lisette Schuitemaker, author, speaker, presenter, philanthropist and former Chair of Findhorn Foundation Trustees in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Max Schupbach, lecturer, author and consultant on ‘process-oriented psychology’ in Oregon, USA.

Dorothy Schwarz,  British co-author of Living Lightly, who has assisted us with her counsel and connections to the UK media.

Mike Scott, former community resident, singer and leader of British rock/folk group The Waterboys.

Freya Secrest, Co-Founder and Manager of the Lorian Association, Spiritual Director and Lorian priest in Minnesota, USA.

John Seed, ecologist, lecturer, & founder/director of the Rainforest Information Centre in Lismore, Australia.

Joan Shafer, former Findhorn community member, is on the Coaching Advisory Board of The ExCo Group which is a global executive mentoring firm, and was one of the co-founders of the Barrett Values Centre.

Michael Shaw, former Chair of Findhorn Trustees for 35 years, ecological engineer and founder of Bio-Matrix, a water purification company that works in several countries from its base in Forres, Scotland.

Kay Lynne Sherman, former community member, psychotherapist and activist in Ashland, Oregon. She is also a trainer in a programme inspired by Paul Hawken’s book on global warming, Drawdown.

Vandana Shiva, physicist, environmentalist, activist, feminist and author of 20 books. Vandana received the Right Livelihood Award in 1993 and continues to advocate for regenerative agriculture.

Nina Simons and Kenny Ausubel,  Co-Founders of ‘Bioneers’ in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

David Spangler, author, lecturer, troubadour and householder with his partner Julie, who created the

education and arts departments at Findhorn before co-founding the Lorian Association in the USA.

Hartwig Spitzer, nuclear physicist at the University of Hamburg, advocate of non-nuclear security and consultant on ecological sustainability in Europe.

Kastor Stein, German co-founder of the Zegg Community near Berlin where he has been executive manager, finance director and educational facilitator since 1991.

Brother David Steindl-Rast, Benedictine monk, writer, lecturer who resides in the USA but whose focus

is universal spirituality.

R.J. Stewart, Scottish musician, composer, lecturer and writer on Celtic, shamanic and magic themes, now living in the USA. 


John Talbott & Samantha Graham, former members recently returned from Australia where they worked as sustainability consultants and John helped create a new Ecovillage project called Narara. John and Sam returned to Findhorn in 2021 to help resurrect the sanctuary and community center destroyed by fire. Sam is also Project Manager of the Park Ecovillage Trust’s Carbon Neutral 2030 initiative, and recently produced two shows at the Edinburgh Festival.

John & Nancy Todd, innovative biologists and skilled communicators who co-founded the New Alchemy Institute and Ocean Arks International in Massachusetts. Nancy is also founding editor of Annals of Earth magazine and John has recently developed an environment-friendly solar aquatic sewage treatment system.

Maria Trap, former Findhorn resident and consultant, now political activist and artist, partner of Roger Benson in Stockholm.    

Sara Trevelyan, doctor, psychotherapist, energy healer, spiritual counsellor and author, whose philanthropy supports myriad groups in this country through Foundation Scotland in Edinburgh, and also contributes to several Findhorn community groups.

Kathy Tyler, Park community resident and current Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation, co-creator of The Transformation Game and Angel Cards (with Joy Drake and Mary Inglis) of InnerLinks. Current lead Admin and Coordinator for the building of the New Sanctuary. Head of the Sanctuary Division under PET.

Jakob von Uexkull, lecturer, writer, politician and founder of the Right Livelihood Award in London.

Daniel Christian Wahl, former community resident who now works internationally as a consultant and educator in regenerative whole systems design, and transformative innovation.

Alex Walker, former Foundation Trustee who has attended to the financial well-being of the community for many years in varying capacities. He also serves as a director of Development Trusts Association Scotland and is chair of Ekopia Social Investments.

Rob Wheeler, teacher, eco-educator and activist who represents the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) at the UN in New York City, where he has also engaged in UN Sustainable Development processes for 20 years.

Ralph White, former resident of Findhorn and enthusiastic explorer of the Western Mystery tradition who is a Director At Large of the New York Open Center in Manhattan, USA.

Diana Whitmore, founder/Co-chair of the Psychosynthesis & Education trust in London and founder/CEO of Teens & Toddlers UK.  Diana was a Trustee of Findhorn Foundation for 19 years. She now resides at Findhorn where she is a co-director of Growing2gether.

Goran Wiklund, Sustainability Consultant in Stockholm and collaborator with Roger Doudna on a Findhorn Foundation and Park Ecovillage Trust (PET) sustainability project at Findhorn.

David Wilkinson, former resident of Findhorn, before and after which he has been a Methodist minister,

serving the St.Francis Church in Tucson, Arizona, from which he has now retired.

Howard Woods, former community member who now lives in Oregon, USA.

Gabrielle Wosien, teacher of sacred dance traditions in Munich, Germany.

Bernard Zamaron, economist and consultant to the European Community, founder/director of the Robert

Schuman Centre for Europe in Luxembourg.

Marian Zeitlin, retired professor of social science and international consultant on nutrition and sustainable community development who has lived in Senegal where she supported Eco-Yoff, the first offical ecovillage in Africa.  She now serves as an Elder in the Global Ecovillage Network from her base in eastern USA.

Danah Zohar, lecturer, consultant and author of books on quantum theory and consciousness in Oxford.

Updated July 2023