Organisations: Community

Our community is a thriving organism, a weaving together of over 40 charities, businesses, collaborations and organisations.

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The NFA is an umbrella organisation for the community, which facilitates and encourages development at the Park Ecovillage. From the Visitor’s Centre to Community Sharings to the Caring Community Circle and an Abundance Fund, the NFA works for the community.

Visit the NFA

Ecovillage Findhorn

This is the community benefit society that has been created to facilitate the buy-out (we call it the buy-in) of Findhorn Foundation land by members of the Community. 

Find out more

Park Ecovillage Trust

PET advances social and environmental sustainability and wellbeing by assisting and funding projects, including affordable housing, and driving a reduction in carbon emissions to reach Net Zero.

Measure your carbon lifestyle with PET's carbon calculator. 

Visit PET
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Ekopia creates ethical and ecological investment schemes for members, including affordable housing, ecovillage infrastructure, a currency called the Eko, as well as The Hive, offering offices, workshops, spaces for food production/craft activities and facilities such as hot-desking – create for community collaborations.

Spend an Eko
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Find hundreds of stories, all celebrating and strengthening our ‘CommUnity’, on the COIF site – a vibrant and growing record of our Community history, written largely by those who created it. 

Read and watch
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New Findhorn Directions 

NFD is the business subsidiary of the Findhorn Foundation Trust, which runs the Holiday Park and maintains and manages infrastructure and property in the Park Ecovillage. 

Contact NFD
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Titleholders Association

The THA is a grouping of all the people and organisations that own property and land within The Park ecovillage. It supervises planning permissions and long-term land use, and liaises with new potential owners who want to acquire domestic property in The Park. 

Contact THA