Organisations: Conservation

Our community is a thriving organism, a weaving together of over 40 charities, businesses, collaborations and organisations.

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Take a wild tour of the woods and dunelands next to the Park, or wild camp among the trees. The Trust offers regular tours and workshops, or volunteer for a workmeet.

Go wild


This is shareholding company that protects the dunes area and conserves a mainly woodland buffer between the Dunes and the community. It also makes land available for appropriate development of the ecovillage.

Visit Duneland

Trees for Hope

Birthed in the Findhorn Community, Trees for Hope is rewilding the Wider Fertile Crescent (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan), as well as Atlantic Rainforest on Scotland's West Coast, offering skills, tools and means for ecological and social transformation. 

Plant a tree