Organisations: Education

Our community is a thriving organism, a weaving together of over 40 charities, businesses, collaborations and organisations.

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Create time to reflect on life while deepening your connection to nature, on a retreat, workshop or course offered by this spiritual educaiton centre. For many years the Foundation was the community, and it has focused on personal and planetary transformation for almost 50 years.

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Gaia Ed


Become part of the change for a regenerative future with Gaia Education, based in Findhorn and Belgium. Offering holistic education for sustainable development, Gaia empowers students across the globe to see the interconnectedness of life.

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Growing2gether runs mentoring programmes in 11 schools throughout the Highlands, and since January 2017 has transformed the lives of over 1470 young people and children. We believe in giving all young people the chance to realise their unique potential. We build their mental health, educational engagement and life skills, so that they can contribute to stronger communities. 

Realise potential

Findhorn Hinterland Trust

The Trust offers a variety of workshops and retreats, from one to seven days, with participants learning about the unique flora and fauna of the woods. Pitch your tent on their camping pads and connect with nature, or take a wild tour of the woods and dunelands next to the Park.

Go wild