Who we are

We're a community woven out of spiritual questers, artists, eco-activists, charities and organisations, aimed at creating change in the world for the higher good.

Meet and find out more about the healers, facilitators, artists, groups, charities and organisations that make up our thriving community.

Organisations & charities

Our main member organisations

Out of our 40+ organisations, charities, companies and groups, these are the main ones that run our community.

New Findhorn Association (NFA)

Community association that ensures community engagement.

Ecovillage Findhorn (EF)

Community benefit society doing a buy-out to own and develop our main community assets.


Park Ecovillage Trust (PET)

Community charity for affordable housing, social care and climate action.



Community benefit society that provides financing for community projects and assets.

Findhorn Hinterland Trust (FHT)

Community charity that cares for and educates about our wild areas.